Landing page design for sales funnel - marketing automation - VIVID digital marketing agency Estonia
New Leads in 12 Months
Conversion Rate From Lead To Free Trial Client
Increase In Click Through Rate Compared To Previous Online Ads

Client: Merit Tarkvara / 2023

Automated Lead Generation for Merit Software

The Task: Our team was tasked with assisting Merit Software, a prominent accounting software provider, in automating their marketing efforts and enhancing lead generation.

The Challenge: Despite being a prominent name in the accounting software industry, Merit Software aimed to establish a stronger foothold among a new and burgeoning audience of small business owners.

The Solution: Our strategy involved developing an automated sales funnel tailored to the desired audience. We introduced an enticing free lead magnet to captivate the target group’s interest, subsequently guiding them through a customer journey. Our comprehensive approach included crafting a compelling landing page, designing the lead magnet, creating engaging email content, producing an informative video animation, conceptualizing ad creatives, and formulating a strategic paid media plan.

The Results: The impact of our partnership was swiftly apparent. We continuously gather 200+ contacts per month from the target demographic, achieving a noteworthy 16% conversion rate from lead to free trial client. The project remains ongoing, continuously expanding Merit Software’s email database and effectively nurturing leads into devoted, paying customers.


  • Creative Project Manager: Jenny Tupits
  • Copywriter: Rait Milistver 
  • Creative / AD: Juhan Saat
  • Media Strategist / Planner: Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing


Creative Strategy, Media Strategy, Marketing Analytics Setup, Landing Page Design, Email Marketing, Design, Animation, Copywriting, Project Management, Media Planning, Facebook Ads, Google Ads.


Ad Creatives

Ads at the top of the funnel are all about showing the lead magnet’s value, brand comes second. 

To make the ad stand out on Facebook, we incorporated red frames and used simple, direct language that resonated with small business owners.

The mobile-first design, featuring bold headlines and buttons, ensured optimal performance on mobile devices.

As the project evolved, we introduced more ad variations to A/B test different value propositions.

marketing automation - sales funnel - VIVID - digital agency in Tallinn
marketing automation - sales funnel for Merit - VIVID digital agency - tallinn
Email marketing for sales funnel / marketing automation / VIVID digital agency Estonia
Step 1

Funnel Strategy

At the start, we created a plan to guide potential leads step by step into becoming paying customers.

Step 2

Lead Magnet Creation

We created an enticing lead magnet to easily collect email addresses from potential leads.

Step 3

Landing Pages

We designed attractive landing pages that allow people to access the lead magnet and eventually join as paying customers.

Step 4

Email Marketing

We used targeted emails to nurture leads, build trust, and eventually convert them to customers.

Step 5

Ad Creatives

Ad creatives effectively promoted the lead magnet by tailoring their message to resonate with the intended target audience.

Step 6

Paid Media

The media strategist devised a media plan that included Meta, Google, and local digital channels, all aimed at reaching entrepreneurs.

Step 7

Ongoing Optimization

Once the sales funnel was active, we began monthly optimization. This included improving targeting, design, copy, adding new videos, and testing channels for better results.


Display your work in a bold & confident manner. Sometimes it’s easy for your creativity to stand out from the crowd.
